Create your free website in minutes

One link simplifies sharing all your creations, curated content, and sales across Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, and more. / yourname yourbrand yourchannel

Discover the Power of One Limedrop

Seamlessly integrate your web presence into one landing page engineered for conversion.


View detailed click-through origins from geo & demographics.


Creators have more than one gig, so our plans offer more than one bio.

Easy Design

Incredibly easy to design your own Limedrop, like 5 minutes easy.

Sell Products

List your products for sale, and track those links right to your online store.

Email Marketing

Sync effortlessly with Roxie and Mailchimp to send marketing emails.

Get in the Limelight

Get behind a brand that supports you, we actively seek out adventure.

Sell across all your platforms, with one update.

Sell smarter, not harder.

With Limelight™, effortlessly sync your product offerings across Roxie, Shopify, Wix, Squarespace, and more. Update your Limedrop once, and watch as all your social media platforms seamlessly update with your latest offerings.